17 best new year money resolutions to save money
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 New year’s money goals like saving, investing, and retirement plan quality greatly influence our lives.

These 17 best new year money resolutions to save money will significantly help people achieve their new year money goal to save money. 

17 best new year money resolutions to save money
17 best new year money resolutions to save money


Anybody that wants some tips on how to achieve some money goals, here it is and packed with tested and trusted tips.

A new year is here, but the electricity, subscription payment, and utility bills are going off the roof.

Moreso, transportation costs are becoming more expensive.

At the same time, many people are not paid a living wage at their place of work.


Changing habits is complex, and it is easy to lose motivation or derail.


However, these 17 best new year money resolutions to save money blogs will help people achieve their goals.

It is essential to be realistic and understand that these new year money goals will be a product of hard work.

Success and wealth result from hard work, mistakes, failure and resilience over time.


17 best new year money resolutions to save money are as follows: 


1. Career upgrade through upskilling. 


For anyone to quickly get an upgrade in their salary, they should first consider career upskilling.

It might be doing a higher professional course or training related to their current job, and it is a great way to get promoted nowadays.

Many people earn more money through their current job; this way.

Participating in career upskilling through a boot camp in a preferred industry is a great idea.


2. Create more income stream 


Another income stream will increase the saving rate and help afford a good investment portfolio.

Whether inside, home-based, or outside as an immigrant, seek the best knowledge before starting any passive income stream.

 Here are some small and medium business ideas for 2023. 


3. Stick to the budget


As a rule of thumb, sticking to a budget is essential to reach any money goal.

Sticking to a budget is a way to control money problems; a budget will help prevent cash flow and expenses.

The essential thing is sticking to the budget, which will help easily control cash flow (in and out).


4. Build a good Credit Score 


Building up credit scores helps in the accessibility of funds and good financial products’ interest rates.

Read how to improve or build a credit score here.

– Pay bills on time
– Register to vote
– Check for any mistakes in personal credit score
– Build and maintain credit history

Check here for more resources on how to improve your credit score.


5. Build an emergency fund


Building emergency funds can be difficult for people with a poor money mindset, but it is possible.

The best tips are to analyze outgoings from bank statements and see where saving small pennies is possible.

Please stop it and start saving the money in a designated emergency account.

Think of the expenses that go out that are optional.

Put the pennies into the emergency fund account.

It must be a bank account that can easily be accessed anywhere at any time.


6. Track personal expenses


Many create excel spreadsheets to track expenses and stick to their monthly budget.

Choose a frequency ( whether once per week or once per month) of logging your expenses, income and saving goals.

Tracking personal expenses can help anyone stay on top of their spending patterns.


7. Save money 


It is not easy to save money for most people.

However, it is possible to save money when there is an understanding of the importance.

To constantly save money fast, there should be a proper understanding of money leaks and preparation to always stick to the budget. 

More reads: How to save money fast. 


17 best new year money resolutions to save money
17 best new year money resolutions to save money

8. Start Investing 


Investments are what create wealth for most people.

Assets appreciate, and investing in assets can accumulate good monetary value.  

Most times, middle and lower-income earners need help with investments. 

Nevertheless, if they re-evaluate their priorities, Save a percentage of their salary first.

And then organize the rest of their priorities around what is left.

Good read: How to invest with little money and retire early. 


9. Think downsizing to save money


That might mean buying a smaller house or renting a cheaper apartment.

It could mean a more affordable or older car.

Spending less money on clothes or buying more affordable cooking utensils, food or whatever, before anything else.

They should take a percentage of their salary and save it first.

If anyone gets to the end of the month and has nothing left to save, they need better budgeting, saving, investment and retirement planning.


10. Go frugal


The excellent use of an emergency fund is for it to keep people above water when drowning.

Their emergency fund must be sufficient to do that.

To save more and save fast.

It would be best if they went frugal to live below their total income to start saving fast and more.

Examples; 1. One can switch to reusable kitchen towels instead of disposable hand towels that are between £2 to £5.

2. If workers buy lunch at work, they might consider making lunch at home and taking it to work if convenient.

The goal is to save more as fast as possible.

Going Frugal is very important.


11. Learn to spend less money 


Spend less money to stop money leaks.

Money leaks are dangerous to money goals.

It is one of the most critical money habits people seeking financial freedom should have.

Stopping unnecessary money leaks is an excellent idea to help save money for investments.


12. Sell off unwanted belongings.


If new, unwanted gifts and belongings are no longer needed, sell them and save money.

It is best to sell them online or on social media and put the money into a savings or investment project. 


13. Define personal financial goals 


Anyone seeking financial freedom must be able to define their 2023 financial goals.

Write down all t financial dream goals and chart a path from the present position.

Write down steps and plans that would be needed to get from the present position to the end of the current status. 

financial partner will be of great help if there is a need for more financial literacy. 


14. Plan for retirement fund 


Planning for retirement funds is a great deal.

Furthermore, one must keep in mind all the short-term and long-term retirement goals.

80% of having a retirement fund relies on just getting started with saving for retirement into a pension pot, and it must begin as soon as possible.

Starting to save large chunks of money is better.

Even in a current or savings account with 0% interest, it is better than trying to beat the market with the total £100,000 invested twenty years ago.

£100,000 will not make anyone a pound millionaire, even with Apple or Microsoft stock, but saving £1000 to £500 monthly a year could.

As always, picking suitable investments may get 8% returns instead of 4%, but first, one needs to save initial 100%


15. Participate in the new year saving-money competition 


One can participate in saving competition among their peer group to enable them to keep.

It is essential to save because saving money will provide funds for investments.


16. Clear debts before investing


17 best new year money resolutions to save money
17 best new year money resolutions to save money

Anyone looking to be financially stable must clear their debts.

For anyone to clear debts quickly must speak to the debt recovery agency they owe and ask for a repayment plan.

Once they got all that sorted.

They will save enough from interest charges and keep it in their emergency fund and savings account.

Clearing debts is a vital money goal.


17. Get a financial buddy 


A financial buddy will help anyone understand why they need a financial partner to succeed in 2023.

Good financial management is required to achieve financial success by anyone.

It is always good to know in what direction to move to invest, make more money and save with good interests.


Must Read : 




17 best new year money resolutions to save money are great strategies to learn how to be money-disciplined.

The best money goal achievement anyone can get is to be thoroughly money-disciplined.

Money-disciplined people can manage budgets, expenses, savings and investment plans effectively.

I hope this will help.

Thank you for visiting.


17 best new year money resolutions to save money
17 best new year money resolutions to save money
















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